Быстросъемн. гидр. муфта John Deere RE58243
Быстросъемн. гидр. муфта, Hyd. Quick-connect Coupler RE58243
RE58243: Hydraulic Quick-Connect Coupler
Быстросъемн. гидр. муфта, Hyd. Quick-connect Coupler RE58243
Применяется в агрегатах:
1700 Integral Planter
1705 Integral Planter
1710 Vertical-Fold Planter
1715 Vertical Fold Planter
1720 Stack-Fold Planter
1725 Stack Fold Planter
1725NT Narrow Transport Planter
1735 Narrow Row Integral Planter
1750 Conservation Planter
1750 Standard Planter
1755 Conservation Planter
1765NT Conservation Planter
1770NT 16-Row Planter
1775 Flex-Fold Planter
1775NT Narrow Transport 16-Row Planter
1785 Narrow Row Planter
1790 Front Fold Planter
1795 Front Fold Planter
4555, 4755, 4955 Tractors
4560, 4760 and 4960 Tractors
7195J Tractor
7200 and 7400 Tractors
7200R Tractor
7210, 7410, 7510 Tractors
7210J Tractor
7215R Tractor
7230R Tractor
7260R Tractor
7280R Tractor
7600, 7700 and 7800 Tractors
7610, 7710 and 7810 Tractors
7630 Tractor
7710 and 7810 Tractors
7715 and 7815 Tractors
7720, 7820 and 7920 Tractors
7730 Tractor
7810 Tractor
7830 Tractor
7930 Tractor
7R 210 Tractor
7R 230 Tractor
7R 250 Tractor
7R 270 Tractor
7R 290 Tractor
7R 310 Tractor
7R 330 Tractor
7R 350 Tractor
8100, 8200, 8300 and 8400 Tractors
8100T, 8200T, 8300T and 8400T Tractors
8110, 8210, 8310 and 8410 Tractors
8110T, 8210T, 8310T and 8410T Tractors
8120, 8220, 8320, 8420 and 8520 Tractors
8120T, 8220T, 8320T, 8420T and 8520T Tractors
8130 Tractor
8225R Tractor
8230 Tractor
8230T Tractor
8235R Tractor
8245R Tractor
8260R Tractor
8270R Tractor
8285R Tractor
8295R Tractor
8295RT Tractor
8310R Tractor
8310RT Tractor
8320R Tractor
8320RT Tractor
8330 Tractor
8330T Tractor
8335R Tractor
8335RT Tractor
8345R Tractor
8345RT Tractor
8360R Tractor
8360RT Tractor
8370R Tractor
8370RT Tractor
8400R Tractor
8430 Tractor
8430T Tractor
8530 Tractor
856 Row Crop Cultivator
8630 Tractor
886 Row-Crop Cultivator
8RT 310 Tractor
8RT 340 Tractor
8RT 370 Tractor
8RT 410 Tractor
9230 Tractors
9330 Tractors
9360R Tractor
9410R Tractor
9420RX Tractor
9430 Tractor
9430 Tractors
9430T Tractors
9460R Tractor
9460RT Tractor
9470RX Tractor
9510R Tractor
9510RT Tractor
9520R Tractor
9520RX Tractor
9530 Tractors
9530T Tractors
9560R Tractor
9560RT Tractor
9570R Tractor
9570RX Tractor
9620R Tractor
9620RX Tractor
9630 Tractors
9630T Tractors
9R 390 Tractor
9R 440 Tractor
9R 490 Tractor
9R 540 and 9R 540 Scraper Tractor
9R 590 and 9R 590 Scraper Tractor
9R 640 and 9R 640 Scraper Tractor
9RX 490 and 9RX 490 Scraper Tractor
9RX 540 and 9RX 540 Scraper Tractor
9RX 590 and 9RX 590 Scraper Tractor
9RX 640 Tractor
DB50, DB74, DB90
DB50C Convertible Planter
N530C Air Drill
N536C Air Drill
N540C Air Drill
N542C Air Drill
Tractor 7185J
Tractor 7205J