Быстросъемн. гидр. муфта John Deere RE63738
Быстросъемн. гидр. муфта, Coupler RE63738
RE63738: Hyd. Quick-Connect Coupler
Быстросъемн. гидр. муфта, Coupler RE63738
Применяется в агрегатах:
1700 Integral Planter
1705 Integral Planter
1710 Vertical-Fold Planter
1715 Vertical Fold Planter
1720 Stack-Fold Planter
1725 Stack Fold Planter
1750 Conservation Planter
1750 Standard Planter
1755 Conservation Planter
1765NT Conservation Planter
1770NT 16-Row Planter
1775 Flex-Fold Planter
1775NT Narrow Transport 16-Row Planter
1785 Narrow Row Planter
1790 Front Fold Planter
1795 Front Fold Planter
7200 and 7400 Tractors
7200 Wing-Fold Drawn
7210, 7410, 7510 Tractors
7600, 7700 and 7800 Tractors
7610, 7710 and 7810 Tractors
7630 Tractor
7710 and 7810 Tractors
7720, 7820 and 7920 Tractors
7730 Tractor
7810 Tractor
7830 Tractor
7930 Tractor
N530C Air Drill
N536C Air Drill
N540C Air Drill
N542C Air Drill