Комплект оборудования John Deere AXE14368
Комплект оборудования John Deere, Hardware Kit, Hardware Kit For Box AXE14368
AXE14368: Hardware Kit
Комплект оборудования John Deere, Hardware Kit, Hardware Kit For Box AXE14368
Применяется в агрегатах:
600 R and F Cutting Platforms
625D Advanced Draper Platform
630D Advanced Draper Platform
635D Advanced Draper Platform
640D Advanced Draper Platform
725D Advanced Draper Platform
730D Advanced Draper Platform
735D Advanced Draper Platform
740D Advanced Draper Platform
- Hardware Kit
Partsnumber | AXE14368 |
Совместимая модель | 600 R and F Cutting Platforms, 615F, 618F, 618R, 620F, 620R, 622F, 622R, 625D, 625D Advanced Draper Platform, 625F, 625R, 630D, 630D Advanced Draper Platform, 630F, 630R, 635D, 635D Advanced Draper Platform, 635F, 640D, 640D Advanced Draper Platform, 725D, 725D Advanced Draper Platform, 730D, 730D Advanced Draper Platform, 735D, 735D Advanced Draper Platform, 740D, 740D Advanced Draper Platform |
Узел | Hardware Kits, Комплекты крепежа, Комплекты оборудования, Крепежные элементы |