Комплект уплотнений John Deere AE37830
Комплект уплотнений John Deere, Kit, Seal Repair AE37830
AE37830: Hydraulic Lift Cylinder Seal Kit
Комплект уплотнений John Deere, Kit, Seal Repair AE37830
Применяется в агрегатах:
1600 Mower Conditioner
1600A Mower Conditioner
1750 Conservation Planter
1750 MaxEmerge XP Drawn Planter
1755 Conservation Planter
1755 Planter
3760 Forage Harvester
3940 and 3960 Forage Harvester
3950 and 3970 Pull-Type Forage Harvesters
3955 Pull-Type Forage Harvester
7000 Drawn Conservation MAXEMERGE Planter
7000 Drawn Cotton and Corn Planter
7000 Drawn, Folding Planter
7000 Flex-Fold Planter
7200 Wing-Fold Drawn
7455 Cotton Stripper
920 and 930 Rotary Impeller Mower Conditioners
920 and 930 Rotary Roll Mower Conditioners
925 and 935 Rotary Impeller Mower Conditioners
925 and 935 Rotary Roll Mower Conditioners
926 and 936 Rotary Impeller Mower Conditioners
926 and 936 Rotary Roll Mower Conditioners
9935 Cotton Picker
Hay Pickup-Forage Harvester