Пружина сжатия John Deere H22802
Пружина сжатия, Compression Spring H22802
Пружина сжатия John Deere, Compression Spring H22802
Пружина сжатия John Deere, Compression Spring p2802
Применяется в агрегатах:
1008 Rotary Cutter
1018 Rotary Cutter
107H Lawn Tractor
107S Lawn Tractor
1210 Grain Cart
1217 and 1219 Mower Conditioners
122 and 125 Chuck Wagons
1320, 1326, 1327 Mower Conditioners
1408 Rotary Cutter
1418 Rotary Cutter
1508 Rotary Cutter
15A and 16A Rotary Chopper
15K and 25K Standby Alternators
190 Pull-Type Windrower
210 and 220 Integral Sprayers
210 and 310 Auger Wagons
214 and 216 Forage Wagons
227 Rotary Cutter, Gyramor
240 Auger
25 and 25A Flail Mower
250 Spracart Pull-Type Sprayer
290 Pull-Type Windrower
30-Inch Mechanical Tiller
300 Auger Platform
300 Corn Husker
300A Auger Platform 31,36,61 and 66 Hay Conditioners
327 and 337 Square Balers
328 Square Baler
336 Series Baler
338 Square Baler
34 Forage Harvester
34 Manure Spreader
3430 and 3830 Self-Propelled Windrowers
346 Series Baler
347 and 467 Square Balers
348 Square Baler
35 Bale Elevator
35 Forage Harvester
350 and 450 Mowers
38 Forage Harvester
38-Inch Snow Thrower
3800 Forage Harvester
3940 and 3960 Forage Harvester
3950 and 3970 Pull-Type Forage Harvesters
40 Manure Spreader
407 Rotary Cutter, Gyramor
40K and 55K PTO Standby Alternators
410 Ensilage and Grain Wagon
42-Inch Snow Thrower
4300 Beet Harvester
4310 Beet Harvester
44-Inch, 59-Inch 2-Stage Snow Blower
46-Inch Snow Thrower
466 Square Baler
468 Square Baler
484 Cotton Stripper
506 and 606 Rotary Cutters
509, 609 and 709 Rotary Cutters
520, 535 and 550 Pull-Type Sprayers
54 Manure Spreader
650 Side-Delivery Rake
655 Central Metering Seeder
660, 670, 671 and Dual-Hitch Hay Rakes
662, 672 and 673
665 Central Metering Seeder
666 Snow Blower
700 and 750 Grinder-Mixers
727 and 737 Rotary Cutter, Gyramor
740 Cotton Stripper
7440 Cotton Stripper
7445 Cotton Stripper
770 Air Drill
7701 Pull-Type Combine
7721 Combine
780 Air Drill
785 Air Drill
92H Lawn Tractor
9501 Pull-Type Combine
9540i WTS,9560i WTS,9580i WTS Combines
9540WTS, 9560WTS, 9580WTS Combines
9640WTS,9660WTS,9680WTS,9640i WTS,9660i WTS,9680i WTS Combines
D100 100 Series Tractor
D105 100 Series Tractor
D110 100 Series Tractor
D120 100 Series Tractor
D125 100 Series Tractor
D130 100 Series Tractor
D140 100 Series Tractor
D150 100 Series Tractor
D160 100 Series Tractor
D170 100 Series Tractor
F735 Front Mower
G110 Garden Tractor
L100 Lawn Tractor
L105 Lawn Tractor
L107 Lawn Tractor
L108 Lawn Tractor
L110 Lawn Tractor
L111 Lawn Tractor
L118 Lawn Tractor
L120 Lawn Tractor
L130 Lawn Tractor
LA100 Tractor
LA105 Tractor
LA110 Tractor
LA115 Tractor
LA120 Tractor
LA125 Tractor
LA130 Tractor
LA135 Tractor
LA140 Tractor
LA145 Tractor
LA150 Tractor
LA155 Tractor
LA165 Tractor
LA175 Tractor
SABRE Yard and Garden Tractor Attachments
Scotts Yard and Garden Tractor Attachments
T550 Combine
T560 Combine
T660 Combine
T670 Combine
W540 Combine
W550 Combine
W650 Combine
W660 Combine
X110 Tractor
X120 Tractor
X125 100 Series Tractor
X135R 100 Series Tractor
X140 Tractor
X145 100 Series Tractor
X155R 100 Series Tractor
X165 100 Series Tractor
X500 Multi-Terrain Tractor
X520 Multi-Terrain Tractor
X530 Tractor Multi-Terrain Series with 54-inch Mower Deck
X540 Multi-Terrain Tractor
X570 Lawn and Garden Tractor
X580 Lawn and Garden Tractor
X590 Lawn and Garden Tractor
Z235 EZtrak Mower
Z255 EZtrak Mower
Z315E ZTrak Mower
Z320M ZTrak Mower
Z320R ZTrak Mower
Z325E ZTrak Mower
Z330M ZTrak Mower
Z330R ZTrak Mower
Z335E ZTrak Mower
Z335M ZTrak Mower
Z345M ZTrak Mower
Z345R ZTrak Mower
Z355E ZTrak Mower
Z355R ZTrak Mower
Z365R ZTrak Mower
Z375R ZTrak Mower
Z515E ZTrak Mower
Z530M ZTrak Mower
Z530R ZTrak Mower
Z545R ZTrak Mower