Пружинный шплинт John Deere 34H383
Пружинный шплинт, Pin, Spring 34H383
34H383: Spring Pin
Пружинный шплинт, Pin, Spring 34H383
Применяется в агрегатах:
230 Power-Flex Wing-Fold Disk
4050, 4250 and 4450 Tractors
4055, 4255 and 4455 Tractors
450D Crawler Bulldozer
450E Crawler Bulldozer
4555, 4755, 4955 Tractors
4560, 4760 and 4960 Tractors
4650 and 4850 Tractors
540E, 640E, 740E Skidders and 548E, 648E, 748E Grapple Skidders
540G, 640G, 740G Skidders and 548G, 648G, 748G Grapple Skidders
550A Crawler Bulldozer
550B Crawler Bulldozer
644E and 644ER/EZ
644G Loader
6810, 6910, 6910S Tractors
744E Loader
7600, 7700 and 7800 Tractors
7610, 7710 and 7810 Tractors
770A/770AH and 772A/772AH
770B, 770BH, 772B and 772BH Motor Graders
7710 and 7810 Tractors
790 and 792 Excavators
790D Excavator and 793D Feller Buncher
8450, 8650 Tractors
850B Crawler Bulldozer
8560, 8760, 8960 Tractors
8570, 8770, 8870 and 8970 Tractors
892DLC Excavator
9950 Cotton Picker
9960 Cotton Picker
9965 Cotton Picker
9970 Cotton Picker
Air Conditioning Systems R12 to R134A
- Durable spring pin designed for securing components in machinery and equipment
- Features a shear value of 88.07 mm and a length of 63.50 mm, ideal for robust applications
- Diameter of 11.13 mm and wall thickness of 1.96 mm ensure reliable performance and fit
- Made from high quality steel for strength and longevity
- Zinc finish provides excellent corrosion resistance and durability
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