Распорная втулка John Deere 28H3412
Распорная втулка, Washer, Metallic, Round Hole 28H3412
Распорная втулка, Washer, Metallic, Round Hole 28H3412
Применяется в агрегатах:
1600 Turbo Series II Wide Area Mower
1600 Turbo Series III Wide Area Mower
1600 Turbo Wide Area Mower
1600 Wide Area Mower
1700 Twin Row Planter
1705 Twin Row Planter
1710 Vertical-Fold Planter
1715 Vertical Fold Planter
1720 CCS Stack-Fold Planter
1720 CCS Twin Row Planter
1725 CCS Stack Fold Planter
1725 CCS Twin Row Planter
1725 Stack Fold Planter
1730 Narrow Row Integral Planter
1735 Narrow Row Integral Planter
1750 Conservation Planter
1750 Standard Planter
1755 Conservation Planter
1770 12-Row Wide, 16-Row Narrow Flex-Fold Planter
1770 24-Row Conservation Planter
1770NT 24-Row Planter
1775NT Narrow Transport 12-Row Planter
1775NT Narrow Transport 16-Row Planter
1775NT Narrow Transport 24-Row Planter
1780 MAXEMERGE PLUS Narrow Rigid Drawn Conservation Planter, 4, 6 and 8 Row
1790 Front Fold Planter
1795 Front Fold Planter
2204 and 2204M Tractors
300D, 310D and 315D Backhoe Loader
310E, 310SE and 315SE Backhoe Loaders
310G,310SG and 315SG Backhoe Loaders
313 Skid Steer
315 Skid Steer
318E Skid Steer Loader
319E Skid Steer Loader
320E Skid Steer Loader
3215B Lightweight Fairway Mowers
3225B Lightweight Fairway Mowers
3225C Lightweight Fairway Mower
3235B Lightweight Fairway Mowers
3235C Lightweight Fairway Mower
339 Baler
349 Square Baler
359 Square Baler
410D, 510D Backhoe Loaders
410E Backhoe Loader
410G Backhoe Loader
4320 Compact Utility Tractor
4500 Compact Utility Tractors
4520 Compact Utility Tractor
459 Square Baler
4600 Compact Utility Tractors
4700 Compact Utility Tractors
4720 Compact Utility Tractor
4920 Sprayer
540, 545, 550 Round Balers
548H Grapple Skidder
570, 580, 590 Round Balers
572, 582, 592 Round Balers
630 Mower Conditioner
635 Mower Conditioner
640G-III/460DC Cable and 648G-III/460DG Grapple Skidders
640H Cable and 648H Grapple Skidders
640L Skidder
640L-II Skidder
643K Wheeled Feller Buncher
648L Skidder
648L-II Skidder
655K Crawler Loader
710D Backhoe Loader
748H Grapple and 848H Grapple Skidders
748L Skidder
748L-II Skidder
755K Crawler Loader
7630 Tractor
7700 PrecisionCut Lightweight Fairway Mower
7700A PrecisionCut Fairway Mower
7715 and 7815 Tractors
7730 Tractor
7815 Tractors
7830 Tractor
7930 Tractor
830 Mower Conditioner
835 Mower Conditioner
842 Round Baler
843K Wheeled Feller Buncher
848L Skidder
848L-II Skidder
850L Crawler Dozer
852 Premium Round Baler
862 Premium Round Balers
8700 PrecisionCut Lightweight Fairway Mower
903K Tracked Feller Buncher
903KH Tracked Harvester
909K Tracked Feller Buncher
909KH Tracked Harvester
948L Skidder
948L-II Skidder
953K Tracked Feller Buncher
959K Tracked Feller Buncher
CT315 Compact Track Loader
DB Series Planter
DB120 Planter
SeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate Drive
W235 Draper Windrower