Распорная втулка John Deere N188132
Распорная втулка, Spacer, Spacer N188132
Распорная втулка, Spacer, Spacer N188132
Применяется в агрегатах:
1750 MaxEmerge XP Drawn Planter
1760 Wing-Fold
1760NT Conservation Planter
1765 Drawn Conservation Planter
1765NT Conservation Planter
1770 12-Row Narrow Planter and 60 Seed Cart
1770NT 16-Row Planter
1775 Flex-Fold Planter
1775NT Narrow Transport 16-Row Planter
1890 No-Till Air Drill
2200 Field Cultivator
2210 Field Cultivator
2210 Level Lift Field Cultivator
2310 Mulch Finisher
2400 Chisel Plow
2410 Chisel Plow
2430 Chisel Plow
2430C Nutrient Applicator
2510C Conventional Applicator
2510S Strip Tillage Applicator
2620, 2623, 2625 Disk
2623VT Vertical Tillage
2630, 2633, 2635 Disk
2633VT Vertical Tillage
2660VT Vertical Tillage
2700 Mulch Ripper
2720 Disk Ripper
512 Disk Ripper
637 Disk
680 Semi-Heavy Disc Harrow
750 Series All-Till Grain Drill
960 Series Field Cultivators
980 Field Cultivator
N550 No-Till Air Drill
N560 No-Till Air Drill
Two-Unit Hydraulic and Mechanical Hitches for 750 and 1560 Grain Drills