Разъемный хомут John Deere R28024
Разъемный хомут, Half Clamp R28024
Разъемный хомут, Half Clamp R28024
Применяется в агрегатах:
2510 Tractor
2520 Tractor
3010 Grove & Orchard, Row-Crop Standard & Utility Tractors
3020 Row-Crop Tractor
3300 Combine
4000 and 4020
4010 Tractor
4040, 4240, 4440 Tractors
4230 Tractor
4320 Tractor
4400 Combine
4420 Combine
4430 Tractor
4555, 4755, 4955 Tractors
4560, 4760 and 4960 Tractors
4630 Tractor
484 Cotton Stripper
5200 and 5400 Forage Harvesters
5420 and 5440 Forage Harvester
5440 and 5460 Forage Harvester
5720 and 5820 Forage Harvesters
5730 and 5830 Forage Harvesters
6030 Tractor
6500 Self-Propelled Sprayer
6600 Combine
6600 Self-Propelled Sprayer
6620 Combine
6700 Self-Propelled Sprayer
7440 Cotton Stripper
7445 Cotton Stripper
7600, 7700 and 7800 Tractors
7700 Combine
7720 Combine
8100, 8200, 8300 and 8400 Tractors
8110, 8210, 8310 and 8410 Tractors
8560, 8760, 8960 Tractors
9900 Cotton Picker