Шариковый подшипник John Deere AA59196
Шариковый подшипник John Deere, Bearing-Ball, Double Row AA59196
AA59196: Double Row Ball Bearing
Шариковый подшипник John Deere, Bearing-Ball, Double Row AA59196
Применяется в агрегатах:
1010 Max Planter
1025 Integral 2-Row Planter
1035 Planter
1512FX Planter
1516FX Planter
1524FX Planter
1700 Integral Planter
1700 Twin Row Planter
1705 Integral Planter
1705 Twin Row Planter
1715 Vertical Fold Planter
1720 CCS Stack-Fold Planter
1720 Stack-Fold Planter
1725 CCS Stack Fold Planter
1725 CCS Twin Row Planter
1725 Stack Fold Planter
1725C Planter
1725NT Narrow Transport Planter
1730 Narrow Row Integral Planter
1735 Narrow Row Integral Planter
1740 MaxEmerge XP Planter
1745 CIS Planter
1745 Drawn MaxEmerge 5 Planter
1745 Rigid Frame Planter
1750 Conservation Planter
1750 MaxEmerge XP Drawn Planter
1755 Conservation Planter
1755 Planter
1760 Wing-Fold
1765 Drawn Conservation Planter
1765NT Conservation Planter
1770 12-Row Narrow Planter and 60 Seed Cart
1770NT 12 Row Planter
1770NT 16-Row Planter
1770NT 24-Row Planter
1775 Flex-Fold Planter
1775NT Narrow Transport 12-Row Planter
1775NT Narrow Transport 16-Row Planter
1775NT Narrow Transport 24-Row Planter
1780 MAXEMERGE PLUS Narrow Rigid Drawn Conservation Planter, 4, 6 and 8 Row
1785 Narrow Row Planter
1790 Front Fold Planter
1795 Front Fold Planter
450M Round Baler
460M Round Baler
460R Round Baler
560M Round Baler
560R Round Baler
DB Series Planter
DB120 Planter
DB37 Planter
DB37C Convertible Planter
DB41 Planter
DB44 Planter
DB55 Planter
DB55C Convertible Planter
DB60 Planter
DB60 Split Row Planter
DB60T Twin Row Planter
DB62 Planter
DB66 Planter
DB74 Planter
DB80 Planter
DB83 Planter
DB88 Planter
DB90 Planter
Deere Orthman DR8T Twin Row Planter
Deere Orthman Planter
DL12 and DL16 Planters
DO6R and DO8R XDR Deere-Orthman Planter
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit
Вес, W | kg | 0.193 |
Внутренний диаметр, d | mm | 16.027 |
Внешний диаметр, D | mm | 45.225 |
Общая ширина, T | mm | 26 |
Ширина обоймы, C | mm | 22.82 |
Базовая статическая нагрузка, Co | kN | 10.9 |
Базовая динамическая нагрузка, C | kN | 16.3 |
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