Стрельчатая лапа John Deere N239042
Стрельчатая лапа John Deere, Sweep, Row Crop Cultivator Medium-C N239042
N239042: Tru-Width™ Medium Crown Sweep
Артикул: 30503af58232
Категория: Запчасти к технике John Deere
Стрельчатая лапа John Deere, Sweep, Row Crop Cultivator Medium-C N239042
Применяется в агрегатах:
2410 Chisel Plow
621 Tandem Disk
627 Disk
680 Chisel Plow
725 Series Row-Crop Cultivators
75 Folding Toolbar Row-Crop Cultivator
8 Mid-Mount Field Cultivator
812 Row-Crop Cultivator
815 and 825 Series Row-Crop Cultivators
85 Series Folding Row-Crop Cultivator
856 Row Crop Cultivator
875 Series
980 Field Cultivator
985 Field Cultivator
FM Series Row-Crop Cultivator
RM Series Row-Crop Cultivators
- A sweep is used in agriculture for soil cultivation, essential in maintaining soil health and preparing seedbed for planting.
- It is attached to the cultivator frame or toolbar, and used to breakup and aerate the soil, control weeds, and incorporate fertilizers.
- It comes in variuos shapes and sizes, including curves, twisted or straight blades.
- They are designed to work at different depths and based on soil types.
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